We have scanned millions of pages and thousands of 3D objects. If you are considering digitizing your collection, for sharing, space saving or preservation,we know how to manage your collection of commercial documents, artifacts, parts, rare books, photographs, maps, oversized historical archives and virtually anything else – let us help you!

Document Scanning and Volume Page Capture

We have scanned millions of pages, for clients and customers around the world. We have a variety of equipment at our disposal to match your needs, and are experienced at handling original and archival specimens to oversized documents.

One of the world’s largest companies engaged our services to scan and turnaround over 4,500 documents an hour for transmission for immediate overseas coding. Speed was critical for this customer and ScanGo delivered.

Learn more in our Document Scanning Section.

3D Scanning of Complex or Simple Objects Large or Small

Our projects have digitally preserved items from ancient and modern.

We have scanned original pieces of the Apollo 13 Command Module, animal figurines to be transmitted overseas to be made into pieces for a game, and a manufactured part of a military vehicle needed a redesign. We have created 3D renderings of various ancient artifacts for study and reproduction.

Learn more in our 3D Scanning Section.

Historical Document & Archival and Rare Records Scanning

We have extensive experience with original documents and records which require digital preservation. Among our projects, we completed a large archival scanning project for the National Association of Music Manufacturers (NAMM) which ranged from the late eighteen hundreds into the twentieth century, many of which were the last known intact copies and included one-of-a-kind examples from the New York Public Library’s collection.

Over the course of several years, we worked with Arizona State University to scan and digitize the unique and physically delicate trade records between China and Cuba dating from the late 1800’s. In 2016, ScanGo was named the preferred archival scanning provider for the Arizona State University Library System.

Learn more in our Archival & Rare Section

Book, Bound Material, Photograph and Specialty Scanning

We know how to handle large volumes, literally, and have participated in digitizing several large historic archives. One one project, we scanned over 250,000 pages from ___ volumes of various sizes for the U.S. Federal Court’s Library. Most of these volumes dated from the 1800’s and early 1900’s, and as such could not be unbound. All the project books were scanned on our book scanners with maximum data capture and retention through our expert handling and scanning techniques.

80″ and Larger! For a well known cosmetics company, we scanned source material for packaging which was larger than 80″ on one side (full color, high resolution). We later saw our efforts wonderfully applied on shelves in major retailers.

Learn more in our Books & Speciality Section

Off-Site or On-Site / On-Premise Scanning We Deliver

With state of the art equipment in our Denver facility, to on-site / on-location projects we have it all.

We also know how to work under pressure, and have arranged for staff and scanners on-site to meet litigation deadlines, often with time left to spare.

Learn more in our About, Industry & Clients Section